Common Core Standards App For Mac

Common Core Standards includes Math standards K-12 and Language Arts standards K-12. Math standards include both traditional and integrated pathways (as outlined in Appendix A of the Common Core).

Each of the Common Core Standards contains a unique code that makes it easy to reference for organizational purposes. Each code contains four aspects that indicate specific information: subject, grade level, strand, and standard number within each grade.

  • Subject: Each of the codes starts with one of four subject labels that indicate whether it is a math content standard, math practice standard, English language arts standard, or literacy standard. For example, a standard that starts with “CCSS.Math.Content” is a math content standard, while “CCSS.Math.Practice” is a standard for mathematical practice. The English language arts standards and literacy standards begin with “CCSS.ELA-Literacy.” Although these two sets of standards start the same way, the coding for the strands enables you to tell them apart.

  • Grade level: Another aspect of the code indicates the grade level (or subject in high school) of each standard. For example, “CCSS.Math.Content.8” indicates a math standard for Grade 8. In the English language arts and literacy standards, the grade level comes after the strand coding.

  • Strand: The strands, such as “Operations and Algebraic Thinking” or “Reading: Literature” are abbreviated to a few letters, such as OA and RL, respectively. For example, “CCSS.Math.Content.5.NBT” indicates a math content standard in Grade 5 for “Number and Operations in Base Ten.” The coding “CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8” is found in the English language arts standards for “Reading Informational Text” in Grade 8. The strands depend on what grade your child is in, but a quick look at the standards shows you the ones to look out for.

  • Standard number: The final part of the code for each standard indicates the order of the standards in each grade. For example, “CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.3” indicates the third English language arts standard for “Reading: Literature” in Grade 6.

Common Core Standards


Common Core Standards App For Macbook Pro

  1. Upload a new file, then Save. Changing the file permanently removes the current file and updates the content with the newly uploaded file.
  2. The Common Core App, developed by Mastery Connect, is a free mobile app that allows you to look up any standard in the Common Core for both Math and Language Arts K-12 and includes other resources as well. There is a general Common Core app and a specific California Common Core app.